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It's the Dirty Dalton Gang!

A very fast paced show, a popcorn throwing, BOO and HISS signs, lets of overacting and silliness melodrama is coming to the Art Centre Theatre!

Find yourself drawn in by a female sheriff, a miner with a puppet coyote of a father, and more goofy and quirky characters awaiting your applauses (or BOOs, given the signs). Join the Art Centre Theatre for a night with this rowdy gang!

Show Rating: PG

Ticket Cost: $25

Show Run: 1 Hour

Light Sensitivity: Low Risk

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You're invited to spend the day in Margaritaville, a resort filled with singing, dancing, and Jimmy Buffett-themed fun! Reserve your seat to this dreamland as they are selling fast! Tickets can be found at!

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Settle in for a night of fun with some of your favorite cartoon characters & see them like never before! Coming up this weekend, it's a short event worth coming to! Buy your tickets now at !!!

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