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Mission Statement


The Art Centre Theatre's (ACT) main objectives are to:

1. Present recurring seasons of the best possible theatrical and artistic works            using the best talent and materials available. 

2. Produce new, traditional, local, dramatic, comedic and musical and                         experimental theatrical works at a low cost to the public.

3. Present entertaining and educational children's programming during the              school day, evenings and on weekends.

4. Satisfy the needs of special audiences.

5. Instill in the community a sense of unity and cohesion through the                          presentation of works that challenge conventional ideals and commonly accepted mores. ACT accomplishes these goals through the presentation of a highly varied program of musical theatre, drama, comedy, opera, operetta, dance, children's theatre, concerts and art exhibits in a season that runs year-round.

We Are Family!


The bonds that develop here last a lifetime. We believe ACT is the finest community of talented youth and adults in the area! Last year, over 700 children were served in our facility, and our extended family continues to grow! 


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Directing Staff!

The Art Centre Theatre provides a diverse, education-centric staff to help each student grow and reach their personal potential.

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Maria Rodriguez


Nathan Menser

Mizani Washburn

Debra Hayworth

Michael Kelly

Sydney Turnbow

Jamey Jamison

Bo Show

Paul Fried

Brook Baker

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Kayla Bonina

Sydney Cornelius


Candy Von Jameson

Sam Baker


Rob Frey

Susan O'Brien

Ree Tredo

Andrea Fernandez

Notice to Suppliers and Service Providers:

ACT is always on the lookout for Directors, Tech Booth Personnel, Set Builders, Prop Creators, Costume Makers, Performance Groups, instructors, and so on. If you or your business are interested in bidding on upcoming opportunities, Click on the button below to email the executive director describing the services you provide and requesting placement in our Provider's Directory to be notified of our needs as they arise. Those submitting bids should include all costs and a project time-line, resume(s) work experience, show/proposal ideas, etc. More information is available by contacting the theatre directly. We plan our productions a year in advance.

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