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Legacy Seats


Dear Friends;

Thank you so much to those who have already donated, bought an ACT legacy seat, or just sent notes of encouragement. You are all so wonderful and we feel so blessed. So far, thanks to your efforts, we have raised over $10,000 needed to meet budget. If you have not purchased your seat or donated to the fund, please consider making a contribution today to help us continue to support the Arts in the North Texas area.


As promised, we want to keep you updated on our progress and the generosity of our supporters. On Monday, we opened up the chair campaign, now titled “ACT LEGACY SEATING.”


In this fundraiser, If you donate $500 or more to ACT, we will allow you to pick the seat of your choice to have your name put on it for all time with a tasteful engraved 2 and 1/2 inch plaque that will show the North Texas Community that you support the arts.  We have about 50 seats to sell and when they are gone they are gone. We will have a dedication ceremony just after Thanksgiving to celebrate our gratitude and show off the new look. If you are interested in purchasing a seat. To donate and start this process, please click the "Donate Here" below into your browser and make your donation and the office staff will contact you to handle the rest:




The reason for this campaign is that, unfortunately, several of our government and private funding pledges have either dried up or fallen short of their pledges to produce. As a result, ACT finds itself with a shortfall in the budget.

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