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ACT Is Looking For a Director

If you are an aspiring director, or wanted to try to be a Director for the stage; this is for you. Please contact the executive Director of ACT using the email button below. 

Below you can see about the show and the composer/playwrite.


Leaving one’s parents, infertility and the search for truth, set against a background of xenophobia; 3000 years ago, but particularly relevant today.   Set in ancient Mesopotamia, Go, My Child is an original account of the early lives of biblical Abraham and Sarah.


Short Synopsis:  (full synopsis and character list in the front material of the script.  Part doubling is possible.)

The first act is set in the xenophobic metropolis of Ur, controlled by harsh rulers. Young precocious Sarai inspires inquisitiveness in her young friend, Abram.  Sarai, the daughter of a scribe, who was taught to write, becomes a teacher and marries Abram. Narrowly escaping death and forced to flee Ur, his extended family ends up in the welcoming town of Charan, where Act-II is set. Surrounded by children, but unable to conceive a child of her own, Sarai’s pain grows each month; and nothing Abram can do can help. Their childless life, with Abram as a shepherd, gives him the time to ponder the world. The arrival of a mysterious refugee with shocking news from Ur, drives the climax. It is the unity of humanity that leads Abram to conclude the oneness of god, who he is only just beginning his quest to find. To attain their goals, they must move out from under his parents’ roof. Sarai and Abram journey westward to restart their lives in an unknown land, as the curtain falls.

Eric B. Sirota is a composer/playwright, having written 5 full-length musicals. He studied musical composition at Brown University. He’s also a highly published research scientist with a PhD in Physics. His musical, Frankenstein, played Off-

Broadway for 3 years, and was recently adapted as a movie musical which has already garnered many film festival awards, including 14 for Best Original Score.  His musical Your Name on My Lips, an original love story, had two productions at Theater for the New City, where Sirota was a resident playwright. Go, My Child had staged readings at the Actor’s Temple Theatre. He wrote the music for A Day at the White House (with playwright Vin Morreale) which is slated for a 2025 production.  In 2019, he was the recipient of a grant to attend the Chateau Orquevaux residency where he wrote A Good Day (music, memory, an old flame, an Alzheimer’s) which is currently in development, and was the winner of the Shawnee Playhouse’s Original Playwrights Award.

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